PTF – PARTNERSHIP FOR TRANSPARENCY FUND Organization that provides support to civil society organizations to play an effective role against…
PEP – PARTNERSHIP FOR ECONOMIC POLICY International organization that links researchers worldwide to improve the capacity for analysis of economic…
PLATAFORMA DE ONG DE CARÁCTER SOCIAL Organization that operates the active citizenship program that finances the strengthening of European NGOs…
PARTNERS FOR DEMOCRATIC CHANGE INTERNATIONAL Global association of organizations from Europe, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East that support…
OLA – OBSERVATORIO DE AMÉRICA LATINA Observatory aimed at improving academic and public understanding of the processes of political and…
OIKOS International student organization that promotes sustainable economics and management and trains future leaders to drive change towards sustainability around…
OECD WATCH Global network of civil society organizations united by their commitment to ensure that business activity contributes to sustainable…
OBSERVATORIO DEL TERCER SECTOR Research center specialized in the third sector, to deepen and increase knowledge about this sector and…
OBSERVATORIO DE DESIGUALDADES Organization belonging to the School of Sociology of the Diego Portales University whose mission is to contribute…
OBELA – OBSERVATORIO ECONÓMICO LATINOAMERICAO DE EUROLAT Research program of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly that gathers information and analyzes…
NOVAMÉRICA Organization with the mission of promoting the development of democracy as a way of life and the participation of…
NED – NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY Non-profit foundation dedicated to the growth and strengthening of democratic institutions around the world….
MÁS ALLÁ DE 2015 -BEYOND 2015 Global civil society campaign to push for a strong and legitimate successor framework to…
LAPOP – PROYECTO DE OPINIÓN PÚBLICA DE AMÉRICA LATINA Academic institution of Vanderbilt University that conducts public opinion surveys in…
LATINOBARÓMETRO CORPORACIÓN Organization that develops a study of public opinion in Latin American countries where attitudes, values and behaviors regarding…
LATINDADD – RED LATINOAMERICANA SOBRE DEUDA, DESARROLLO Y DERECHOS Network of institutions, teams and campaigns in Latin America, which trains,…
KAS – FUNDACIÓN KONRAD ADENAUER International German foundation that works so that people can live independently in freedom and with…
JUBILEO SUR AMÉRICAS Network of social movements, popular, ecumenical, women’s and human rights organizations, political formations and campaigns to free…
ITEM – INSTITUTO DEL TERCER MUNDO Organization for the construction of democracy and placement of civil society organizations as agents…
ISTR – INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THIRD-SECTOR RESEARCH International association that promotes research and education in the fields of philanthropy, civil…
ISM – INSTITUTO SOCIAL DE MERCOSUR Technical research body on social policies and implementation of strategic lines that contribute to…
IPED – INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC ENVIRONMENT DEVELOPMENT Institute whose mission is to promote civic culture and citizen participation in public…
INTERAMERICAN DIALOGUE Organization that brings together leading citizens from a diversity of political and professional perspectives to discuss issues of…
INTER ACTION NGO alliance that promotes the non-profit community to eliminate extreme poverty, defend human rights, safeguard the planet and…