CEFIR – CENTRO DE FORMACIÓN PARA LA INTEGRACIÓN REGIONAL Support center for integration processes in Latin America, with emphasis on…
CEDES – CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE ESTADO Y SOCIEDAD Research center whose area of work is to produce and disseminate…
CEAAL – CONSEJO DE EDUCACIÓN POPULAR DE AMÉRICA LATINA Y EL CARIBE Association of civil organizations in Latin America and…
BRETTON WOODS PROJECT Project facilitator of networks, provider of information, informant to the press and in work to scrutinize and…
BOTH ENDS Organization that identifies and strengthens civil society organizations dedicated to environmental problems and poverty. dIRECCIÓN TELÉFONOS WEBS CORREOS…
BOND – BRITISH OVERSEAS NGOS FOR DEVELOPMENT Network of organizations that work in international development and development education, supporting NGOs…
BIC – BANK INFORMATION CENTER Organization partnering with civil society to influence the World Bank and other international financial institutions…
BERTELSMANN STIFTUNG Foundation that works as a think tank and agent of social change in education projects, fair and efficient…
BANCA POPOLARE ÉTICA Cooperative bank for cooperation and solidarity, in order to build a business ethic and a solidarity economy…
BANKTRACK Global network of civil society groups monitoring the operations and investments of private sector banks (commercial banks) and their…
AT&T FOUNDATION Foundation that supports non-profit organizations and programs committed to the inclusion and creation of opportunities for minority groups…
ATLAS ECONOMIC RESEARCH FOUNDATION Organization that connects a global network of free market organizations to the ideas and resources needed…
ASHOKA International social organization that promotes entrepreneurial skills so that people become agents of change and solve problems in social…
ASC – ALIANZA SOCIAL CONTINENTAL Movement of organizations and networks in favor of an alternative and democratic development model, well-being,…
ARNOVA – ASSOCIATION FOR RESEARCH ON NONPROFIT ORGANISATIONS AND VOLUNTARY ACTION International research organization dedicated to fostering a greater understanding…
ALTERNATIVES INTERNATIONAL Social and political movements that fight against social injustices, neoliberalism, imperialism and war, building solidarity between local, national…
ALOE – ALIANZA PARA UN MUNDO RESPONSABLE, PLURAL Y SOLIDARIO Alianza con el propósito de inventar, compartir y practicar nuevas…
ALLIANCE FOR USEFUL EVIDENCE Open access network for mobilizing research, networks and skills to improve and expand the use of…
AQOCI – ASOCIACIÓN QUEBEQUENSE DE COOPERACIÓN INTERNACIONAL Association that brings together Quebec organizations that work for sustainable and human development,…
ANNENBERG FOUNDATION Foundation that invests in visionary leaders of non-profit organizations that offer programs and services through powerful models of…
ANGELICA FOUNDATION Support foundation for popular progressive organizations that promote the sustainable use of resources, fight for cultural richness and…
ACFID – AUSTRALIAN COUNCIL FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Council that unites Australian development organizations to strengthen their collective impact against poverty…
ACTION AID INTERNATIONAL Support organization for strengthening national networks to influence policies to combat poverty and discrimination, and help partners…